Friday, 12 March 2021 19:14

Gas Station Ban

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Petaluma City Council has voted to ban new gasoline stations in order to reduce gasoline availability and accelerate the transition to EVs.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021 23:22


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Tuesday, 23 February 2021 23:00

The Shadow

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Trump's Tribulations: One Man Against the Shadow

In the recent Time Magazine article “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” author Molly Ball shamelessly outlines the vast Left Wing Conspiracy of multinational corporations, NGOs and non-profits that banded together to steal, in our view, the election from the American people. It’s a shameless piece that both exemplifies and details exactly what we’re up against-that the elite will say anything, and worse, do anything, to keep power. The only bit left out is the input of foreign powers, like China. This propaganda piece proves we’re at war, and because we are, the threat of death lingers in the air, even if we’ve become such a polite society that it’s laughable to imagine the “right wing militias,” mentioned in the article, could actually exist.

For four years, Donald Trump, nearly single handedly, fought this war for us, and with an unconstitutional second impeachment trial, he fought on. Author of the book Trump Rules, Wayne Root knows Pres. Trump personally and describes him as “maybe the most relentless man in human history.” Root does not believe that Trump is defeated, and in fact, believes that Trump’s greatest chapter is yet to come.

Trump’s accomplishments-like his historic visit with Kim Jong Un, or the recent peace settlement in the Middle East, demonstrate that the key to his relentlessness is fearlessness. He is unafraid to tackle the most difficult situations. The key to his fearlessness is self-knowledge: as a skilled negotiator, Trump has had to examine himself as much as look for weakness in others. For only when a negotiator knows his own limits can he walk away from the table and force his opponents’ hand. Wanting things to be different is a form of not knowing the self-for there’s always a personal reason for being unwilling to see things the way they are. This unwillingness is the definition of “ego.”

Trump tends to see things the way they are. Therefore, this large, loud, vain person with orange hair is actually one of the most ego free individuals to grace the earth since Gandhi. Because Trump is a negotiator who made his fortune from negotiating, and not a person seeking power for power’s sake like the Left’s elite “revolutionaries,” he is not a leader who “wields power.” Instead, he respects each and every individual. Note: when he insults an opponent, that opponent started the fight. And
if said opponent had no weaknesses, Trump would have no ammunition with which to fight back. Note also that Trump appears to hold no grudges. Sure, he can fight dirty; but if the opponent holds no grudge, like Ted Cruz, the feud ends and a relationship is established.

The fact that Trump does not seek power, rather solutions through relationships, makes him more like us, the American people. Americans are individualists; they define themselves by their actions and achievements. This is what makes us as a country so threatening to the rest of the world. In China, for example, people are defined by their identity. Are you Chinese? Are you a member of the party? Are you a member of one of the five dominant minorities represented in the five stars of their flag? (Note China has 50 minorities, 45 of which are not
represented in their flag.) The advent of technology—the Internet, smart phones and the like—has woken the sleeping tiger of the individual worldwide. When individuals in China, Africa, Russia and South America drop their identities and discover how little
they need their governments, the power of these nations will dissipate. Similarly, here in the US, people who identify with identity politics, those who are either unable or afraid to see themselves as individuals, have become pawns of the Elite.
One day, they may wake, and see that the power to make life enjoyable and fulfilling has always rested, not in what group they belong to or pronoun they go by, but in their own hands. They will embrace America then, just as individuals around
the world will acquire a more American spirit as they embrace individuality. Trump knows this; his speech in India stands as proof.

Buy Root’s book to speculate on what Trump will do in the near future. Likely, he will be his individual self. He will fight bullies who cross him and negotiate for something better. He will live every moment fully and thereby enjoy life whether or not he “wins” by media standards. He has his own standards, and that’s what makes him American-and unbeatable. 

As for the elite? Unable to control the individual, they will overplay their hands until eventually the public sees them for the cheaters they are. No matter how many times they say cheating was justified-as Ball does in Time Magazine-no one, especially Americans, like cheaters. It may take 20 years, but they will lose power, and the individual will rule.

Sunday, 14 February 2021 19:01

CA New Climate Legislation

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AB 585 is to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat--cover CA with reflective surfaces and teach young children.

We should not fear freedom. We should fear force. If we want peace—and peace of mind—we need school choice for all.

Thursday, 07 January 2021 21:13

Vote Fraud & Corruption

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Over 60,000 people are currently registered to vote in both California and Nevada, according to Election Integrity Project California.

Thursday, 07 January 2021 21:01

More Censorship

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Big tech censors Reopen California Movement, closing down email letters, etc. The ReOpenCalNow conference Jan 8-10 features bipartisan politicians, doctors, sheriffs.

Thursday, 07 January 2021 20:52

Radicals in Classrooms

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Teacher Training: “Whiteness reproduces poverty, failing schools, high unemployment, school closings, and trauma for people of color.”

Tuesday, 15 December 2020 16:37

Special Interests

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Special interests cannot control what they cannot buy. CA legislator takes stand for citizen-backed legislature.

Tuesday, 15 December 2020 16:29

Trump's Trials: Voter Fraud

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By the time you read this, the election may be settled. Then again, this drama may extend through the inauguration and beyond. It's a nail biter. I’m not going to guess the end.
But one thing’s for sure–if President Trump is victorious, he has an opportunity to change the destinies of all voting nations by exposing worldwide corruption and creating the most honest, election system ever. If he loses, there may never be an honest election in the United States again.
Voter fraud is nothing new. Anytime someone wants power badly enough, and the path to power is an election, fraud will happen. In the old days, when Mayor Richard Daley, Sr. delivered Illinois for John Kennedy, he and his cronies did it the old-fashioned way. One ballot at a time.  My father, as a young lawyer at a major Chicago firm in the 1950s, was approached by a man wanting to expose a massive city-wide voter fraud scheme. Apparently, hundreds of men were given false IDs and instructed to go from polling place to polling place, posing as a new man each time – often someone dead. My father's life was threatened once he got involved, so he declined the opportunity to play "Clark Kent,” as he put it. All that trouble for a few thousand votes. Now we’re hearing about fraud over millions. 
The old ways were personable - roundup busloads of voters and buy them lunch, or pay people to bring in immigrant grannies who don't speak English and then “help” fill in their ballots (both of which I saw in 1990s San Francisco.) Old school techniques apparently took place in 2020 Nevada, as Democrats issued gift cards in exchange for the Native American vote. 
Void of technology, old school fraud relies on people knowing people, as well as people - with strong loyalties, wanting favors or power of their own - banding together to make an impact. There’s honor among old school thieves: it takes genuine effort to create fake IDs, hand them out to willing stooges, and co-ordinate their movements. 
But with technology, the limits of fraud are bounded only by the imaginations of people who know how to use it. Far fewer need to be involved. And with the world being such a small place today, the international elite can easily buy these services. 
We’ve all heard about Dominion and it’s connection to Pelosi, Feinstein and the Clintons. We’ve all heard no one knows who really owns it, and about the Dominion minions who adjusted the machines before and during election day.  In 2016 San Francisco, my husband and I both experienced what may’ve been a dress rehearsal for other 2020 tech fraud. My husband, who votes in person, arrived at the polls only to hear he had voted by mail - as happened to thousands in 2020 swing states. And I was told that I had moved out of the precinct. “Oops, that’s been happening all day,” a woman told me as she handed me a provisional ballot. I complained to the Party and the city election board - but no one looked into it until days later, when the fraud pixies magically corrected my voter registration record and moved me back home. Asking tech and political friends how that could happen, I learned one knowledgable person could do it - precinct lists are public record and messing with online records is child’s play. 
Technology was used in other creative ways. The four women at Georgia's State Farm Arena funneled suitcases full of ballots into scanners that counted them faster than fingers could fly. Thousands of voters received absentee ballots without requesting them, or as with my own daughter, two - which were addressed to her at our address in another state. Surely, whatever machine sent these duplicates was programmed to think a "decline to state" Asian female under 30 would be more likely to vote Biden. (Wrong! FYI we sent her one and shredded the other - should’ve save both for evidence.)
Computers know a lot about individual voters – up to 42 pieces of information, as I was told by one Party representative. Since both sides know your voting history, the anonymous ballot is also history. 
What's the solution? As the president said in his remarks on December 3 - paper ballots and voter ID (and I would add thumb prints.)  Look up “Tom Scott - Voting” on YouTube and treat yourself to a sweet, neutral explanation of what can go wrong with machines - and why paper is better.  Another possible solution is blockchain technology. Because every vote would have a unique electronic signature, it would be impossible to create duplicate ballots or count them twice. 
If the president emerges victorious, he has until 2022 to fix the system. But if he doesn’t, the world’s power elite - who backed Joe Biden, the BLM riots, and all the rest of it - will ensure we never know what hit us. Donate. Get involved. Pray. 
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