Susan Miller

Susan Miller

Tennessee is puzzled why California thinks it is a good idea to prohibit its state colleges and universities from participating in athletic competition in Tennessee.

Bait and switch spending planned before ink dry on Gas Tax

Viewing the world in apocalyptic terms was also useful during the California drought.

We ask only that new comers embrace the values of our country.

One-party rule has ruined California. . . . The last two years have fully exposed the Democratic Party’s failures.

Jerry Brown blocks public review of Oroville Dam records, thwarting transparency rules.

Everything in the state is controlled by the Democratic Party and its union allies — the governor and legislature rushed through a massive tax hike on gas and diesel fuel along with higher car registration fees.

Best-Run States Are Low-Tax Republican, Worst-Run Are High-Tax Democratic, Study Finds

The failure to properly spend the money to maintain our roads and highways has caught up with the political ruling class.

A drastic shift in the burden of retirement costs is compelling school districts in Marin to divert money from salaries and classrooms to pension costs.

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